Profile of Patients with Maxillofacial Fracture in Emergency Department, Head-Neck Surgery Division, Dr. Soetomo Public Hospital Surabaya in 2020


  • Reynard Budy Setiawan Department of Surgery, Airlangga University, Surabaya
  • Marjono Dwi Wibowo Department of Surgery, Head and Neck Division, Airlangga University, Surabaya



COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia, Maxillofacial fracture, profile


Maxillofacial fracture is the most common form of injury in trauma patients, especially in patients with motor vehicle accidents. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected various sectors, including restrictions on people's mobility. This study aims to determine the profile of patients with maxillofacial fractures during the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive observational study was conducted to evaluate maxillofacial fracture patients who came to the Emergency Department of the Head-Neck Surgery Division of the Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Hospital in 2020. Subjects were grouped according to sex, age, month of visit and the mechanism of trauma. The ratio between men and women was 4.92:1. The largest age distribution is in the 11-20 years range, as much as 39.2%. The most distribution based on the month of visit was in February as much as 16.9%. Most trauma mechanisms were due to traffic accidents (90.1%). Most locations in single maxillofacial fractures in maxillary bone were 37.8% and multiple maxillofacial fractures in zygoma bones were 79.4%. Accompanying trauma was found in 73.2% of subjects, with the highest pattern of intracranial trauma as much as 80.8%. The incidence of single maxillofacial fractures was 47.9% and multiple maxillofacial fractures were 52.1%, with concomitant trauma occurring in 73.2% of subjects.


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