The Biological Elements in Integrated IPA Textbook in Indonesia: Analysis Based on Tafsir ‘Ilmi

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Abdurrahim Harahap Sapran Hrp
M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff
Asmawati Muhamad


Al-Qur'ān is a source of knowledge, which contains kauniyah verses that explain natural events and have clues to modern science which is a part of tafsir ‘ilmi. Therefore, the Qur'ān should be used as the main reference in ordering the Integrated curriculum science for secondary school in Indonesia. Science lessons in Indonesia are based on the Western curriculum, and there is no reference from the Qur'ān. This study is oriented towards content analysis by applying inductive and deductive methods to the data analysis process. In order to identify i'jaz 'ilmi on elements of biology in textbooks, the analysis focuses on five main topicsselectedwhich include: 1. the human reproductive system,2. Development of the fetus, 3. Human sensory system, 4. Inheritance of nature, 5. Reproductive system in animals and plants. However, the difference between the two can be seen clearly, where between the biological elements in the integrated science textbooks and the tafsir ‘ilmi in the al-Qur'an has advantages and disadvantages. The reviewer hopes that the biological elements in the integrated science textbook will be integrated with the concept of tafsir ‘ilmi to add tauhidic value for students and teachers in the learning process in addition to intellectual development based on Sharia in a holistic manner.


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Research Article (Malay)