Ḥaq Al-Mu’min ‘Alā Al-Mu’min Fī Al-Qurān Al-Karīm wa Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah Sūrah Al-Ḥujurāt An- Namūdhajan

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Afaf Attiatallah Almoabbadi


This study aimed to explore Surah Al-Hujurat, highlighting the rights and responsibilities it establishes among believers towards one another. The research problem is rooted in the current global situation where believers often violate each other's rights, exacerbated by the widespread use of social media platforms that promote falsehoods and rumors, fostering mistrust and suspicion among Muslims. This has led to deepening divisions within the Muslim community under the guise of religion. The researcher employed an analytical inductive method to examine the verses of Surah Al-Hujurat and extract the rights of believers from them. The study yielded several significant findings and recommendations, among which are: Surah Al-Hujurat emphasizes the necessity of safeguarding mutual rights among Muslims, with the imperative form appearing in 27 instances to underscore the importance of integrating these ethical guidelines into the behavior and interactions of believers. Among the rights derived from the Surah is the need for verifying news, refraining from hastily accepting reports, promoting reconciliation among believers during conflicts based on justice and truth, avoiding negative assumptions, baseless accusations, spying, backbiting, and exposing each other's faults. The study recommends the comprehensive examination of Islamic morals and ethics across all Quranic chapters and incorporating these teachings into educational curricula to nurture a generation raised on the ethical principles and divine guidance of the Quran.


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