About the Journal

Journal Information

Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) refers to the academic field and practical application of studying how information technology (IT) can be effectively used to solve real-world problems within organizations. This interdisciplinary field combines elements of computer science, management, psychology, sociology, and other related disciplines to understand how technology can be designed, implemented, and managed to support organizational goals and objectives.

The Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Information Systems in theoretical aspect and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Information Systems in theoretical and practical aspects.

Journal Summary

Journal Title Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) 
Subjects Information Systems
Language English
ISSN 1985-3920
Frequency 4 issues per year
Editor in Chief Editorial Members
Publisher Dept of Information Systems | FCSIT | Uni Malaya
Citation Analysis Google Scholar

For Special Issue, please send your proposal to jisrp@um.edu.my.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Advances on Information Systems Research and Practice
					View Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Advances on Information Systems Research and Practice

The Volume 2 Issue 3 of JISRP has been available online since 6th June 2024 for the regular issue of September 2024. The issue has been available online for accepted papers (uncorrected proofs).

Published: 2024-06-06


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