Dynamics of X-ray emission from a small plasma focus

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C.S. Wong
S.P. Moo
J. Singh
P. Choi
C. Dumitrescu-Zoita
C. Silawatshananai


The dynamics of X-ray emission from a 3 kJ argon plasma focus has been studied using a five channel PIN diode X-ray spectrometer (DXS) and a time-resolved X-ray pinhole imag­ing system. The five channel DXS is used to investigate the spec­tral evolution of the X-ray emission from the focussed plasma where­as the time-resolved X-ray pinhole imaging system provides infor­mation on the temporal evolution of the structure, of the X-ray emis­sion regions during the focus discharge. Two periods of X-ray emis­sion are observed during a focus discharge, one during the radial compression phase of the discharge and the second period occurs at a time of about 200 ns after the maximum compression. The first period X-rays are emitted from a hot argon plasma with an electron temperature of about 1.5 keV whereas the second period X-rays consist of predominantly the copper Ka line radiations. Time-re­solved X-ray pinhole imaging of the focus discharge visualises the formation of the focussed plasma column during the radial com­pression phase corresponding to the first period of X-ray emission. The formation of a second compression at a time of about 65 ns after the first maximum compression has also been observed. The second period X-ray emission is observed at a time of about 200 ns from the maximum compression and it is believed to be emitted from the anode itself or from the copper vapour ejected from the anode due to electrori'beam bombardment.


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How to Cite
Wong, C., Moo, S., Singh, J., Choi, P., Dumitrescu-Zoita, C., & Silawatshananai, C. (1996). Dynamics of X-ray emission from a small plasma focus. Malaysian Journal of Science, 17(2), 109–117. Retrieved from https://mojem.um.edu.my/index.php/MJS/article/view/9415
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