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Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, health problems have become prominent. Under the impact of community lockdowns caused by the coronavirus, online fitness has become more popular for three main reasons. First, online fitness synthesises sports and internet technology and provides a platform for exercise. Second, with the development of 5G technology, online fitness can exercise at any place and time of fragmentation. Third, compared with the traditional model, online fitness has both type and price advantages. However, due to the weak sense of participation in online fitness, users will inevitably feel lonely. Nevertheless, by sending bullet screens, users have created a new participatory culture. This research selected over 100,000 bullet screens from Bilibili, a comprehensive video community with a high concentration of young generations in China. The authors also use Python to analyse these bullet screens for content and emotion analysis from the time and content dimensions. The results show that compared with the traditional model, the fitness video can bring more sense of participation and presence, and the impact on users' enthusiasm is positive, which will further prove that participatory culture plays an indispensable role in the effect of community health. In addition, this study also finds that over time, user engagement in bullet screens with the same video decreases.


Online fitness community health participatory culture bullet screen communication effect

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