What are the Current Determinants that Influence the Total Amount of Greenhouse Gases Produced by Selected Asian Nations?

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Jayanthi R Alaganthiran
Santha Chenayah
Rajah Rasiah


Asian countries have been concentrating on providing sustainable economic
growth since they have had to face the severe consequences of climate change. Thus,
this study aims to fill a research gap by investigating whether waste sector emissions
significantly contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In general, this study
proposes three research hypotheses derived from a review of the literature on GHG
emissions. The first and second hypotheses examine whether waste sector emissions,
economic growth and other indicators significantly contributed to the total GHG
emissions in 13 Asian countries between 2000 and 2016. The third hypothesis
investigates whether countries individually and significantly determine waste sector
emissions. Using pooled ordinary least squares and least squares dummy variable
(LSDV) estimations, the study shows that that the emissions from the waste, agriculture,
manufacturing, and construction sectors, as well as from land use and change, were
positively associated with total GHG emissions. Second, economic growth and urban
and rural population growth show the possibility of reducing GHGs in Asian countries.
Subsequently, the LSDV estimation identified that India and Indonesia emitted 72
million tonnes and 148 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent between 2000 and
2016 from the waste sector.


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