மலாய்-தமிழ்-மலாய் மொழிபெயர்ப்பில் ஒலி-ஒலியன் தொடர்பான அடிப்படைச் சிக்கல்களும் அவற்றைக் களையும் முறைகளும் (Sound-Phoneme Problems in Malay-Tamil-Malay Translation and Ways to Overcome Them)


  • Dr. Mohanadas Ramasamy Senior Lecturer, Department of Indian Studies, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


translation; Tamil-Malay translation; Tamil-Malay Language phonemes; translation problems; Translation Repository


It is no exaggeration to say that Tamil growing in a multilingual environment like Malaysia and Tamil growing in a separate Tamil environment like Tamil Nadu are growing together with the world of translation. Even the classical language like Tamil is no exception to this. All publicly available information enters each foreign language through translation. As a result, every language is developing its repositories at a rapid pace. In this context, Malay-Tamil-Malay translation has become a daily necessity in the Malaysian environment. However, such translations are not carried out without problems. When translating ideas from one language to another, it is natural that various problems arise; These include issues of sound, phoneme, word, semantics as well as syntax. In order to create a quality translation work, it is imperative to anticipate these needs and provide creative strategies. It is a sad fact that none of these basic requirements are fully addressed in the current translation environment. In that way, this review will investigate the similarities and differences between the 30 phonemes found in the Tamil language and the 26 phonemes found in the Malay language, point out their similarities and differences, provide explanations for them, show the practical problems associated with them, and choose and provide a list of appropriate phonemes for use. For this database-based study, some Malay works will be identified, translated, and applied. Similarities and differences of phoneme found between the two languages will be compared and a suitable phoneme structural framework will be provided through this. It can be expected that this framework, which is available through this research, will eliminate the basic problems related to sound- phoneme that arise when engaging in Malay-Tamil-Malay translation activities, eliminate the relative positions of different phoneme, combine the phonemes that are added smoothly, and identify the nuances of handling them according to the process.






