தகவல் தொடர்பு தொழில்நுட்ப சொற்களிற்கான கூகுள் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு மற்றும் குருவராய இடையேயான ஒப்பீட்டு ஆய்வு (A Comparative Study Between Google Translate and Guruvaraya for Information Technology Terms)


  • Dr. Janani Thevananth Senior Lecturer, Department of Financial Management, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.


Communication Technology, Tamil Vocabulary, Communication Education in Sri Lanka, Interpreting, Translation, Google Translate


Governments worldwide have extensively embraced Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to drive economic and social development, a trend observed over the past two decades in Sri Lanka. Against the backdrop of a current economic crisis, communication education is gaining traction. This surge is particularly notable in the development of vocabulary in Tamil, one of Sri Lanka's indigenous languages. Simultaneously, Tamil, a major language in India, contributes to the lexicon of communication. Amidst these developments, Google plays a pivotal role by creating dictionaries and facilitating translations. This study delves into the challenges encountered in translating ICT terminology from English to Tamil. Specifically, it focuses on 108 communication vocabulary words, examining their Tamilization as prescribed by the Ministry of Education in Sri Lanka and comparing it with Google's automatic dictionary. The findings underscore the importance of translating technical terms with meticulous care and caution. Translators are reminded of the necessity to comprehend the essence of the language before embarking on the translation process. This involves a nuanced comparison to identify natural equivalents and parallel words that accurately convey the intended meaning. Notably, the study reveals shortcomings in the Google machine translation glossaries for information technology, highlighting the importance of refining these tools to ensure precise and contextually relevant translations.






