தமிழகப் போர்முறைகள் (The Methods of Warfare in Tamilnadu)


  • Dr. V. Renuka Asistant Professor, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous), Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tamil Nadu, Warfare, Traditions, Weapons, Forts, Tombstone, War in literature


Ancient Tamil Nadu was much wider than it is today. Movenders, Mudimannars, small landowners Tamil Nadu has become a war - torn land even before many people think that. Wars in general are abhorrent, unnecessary, even if the usefulness of wars is considered to be destruction, this does not deny the interpretation of wars as a cultural component of a society. When one ethnic group conflicts with another ethnic group and starts war, it becomes more and more united with itself. Its strength and pedigree are assured. Like no other language in the world, the Tamil language is the written evidence of the ancient Tamils martial arts to the world. Vetchi, Karanthai, Vanchi, Kanchi, Notchi, Ulinai, Thumbai, and Vagai, the octogenarians mentioned in Tolkappiyam, are war-based epics. In the Tamil society, which lived as a cultured and civilized society, the ethics of war were clearly defined and followed. Cows, women, children, old people etc, were not attacked and killed in Tamilnadu warfare. The valor of that time has been with virtue. Therefore, this article examines the unique fighting methods of Tamil Nadu.






