Published: June 25, 2024

Maṭla‘ Anak Bulan Menurut Perspektif Fiqh

(Maṭla‘ al-Hilal From Islamic Jurisprudence Perspective)

01-16 Muhammad Ridzuan Hashim, Saadan Man, Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd Nawawi

Pesakit Yang Tiada Harapan Hidup Menurut Perspektif Fiqh

(The Position of Terminal Ill Patient from Fiqh Perspectives)

17-26 Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh, Abdul Halim Ibrahim

المُخَاْلَفَاْتُ الشّرْعِيّةُ فِيْ مُعَاْمَلَاْتِ الأَلْقَابٍ الجَاْمِعِيّةِ فيْ ضَوءِ قَاْعِدَةِ " الأمُوْرُ بِمَقَاْصِدِهَاْ

(Legal Violations in the Transactions of University Titles in Light of the Rule of “Things for Their Purposes”)

27-48 Dr. Qasim Ṣaliḥ ʻAli al-ʻAni, Dr Amer Abdulwahab Murshed

القيادة بين المنظور الإسلامي والأدب المعاصر في علوم الإدارة والقيادة

(Leadership between the Islamic Perspective and Contemporary Literature of Management and Leadership Sciences)

49-66 Abdul Rahman Abu Bakr Ali Shaladi, Asmuliadi Lubis, Nor'Azzah Kamri

Prinsip Utama Gerakan Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)

(The Main Principles of National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students (PKPIM) Movement)


المباحث المشتركة بين اللغة وعلم الأصول في ضوء حاشية القطب الشيرازي

(Common Investigations Between Language and Etymology in Light of Hashiyah Al-Qutb Al-Shirazi’s)

89-112 Mohamed Tahar Benabidi, Thabet Ahmad Abdallah Abu-Alhaj , Sedek Ariffin

Penentuan Al-Awlawiyyāt Maṣlahah Dan Mafsadah Dalam Fatwa Perubatan Di Malaysia

(Determination of Al-Awlawiyyāt Mashlahah and Mafsadah in Medical Fatwa in Malaysia)

113-130 Sarah Aqilah Mazuki, Mohd Shazni Abdullah, Mohd Fadzhil Mustafa

الــوبــاء والـــطــــاعون فـي الـــجـــزائـــر فـي الــعــهـد الـعــثـمـانـي (1671- 1830م): الــدايــات أنــمــوذجـا

(Epidemics and plague in Algeria during the Ottoman Era [1671- 1830]: The Deys as a Model)

131-148 Ahmed Ould Beziou, Faisal @ Ahmad Faisal Abdul Hamid

Faktor Budaya Dalam Pembangunan Bakat Manusia Menurut Perspektif Islam: Satu Tinjauan

(Cultural Factors in the Development of Human Talent According to the Islamic Perspective: A Review)

149-166 Tajul Nizam bin Ibrahim , Zaharah Binti Hussin, Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak

Identifikasi Kajian-Kajian Berkaitan Intervensi Preventif Bagi Pedofilia Berdasarkan Systematic Literature Review

(Identification of Studies Related to the Preventive Intervention of Pedophile Based on Systematic Literature Review)

167-194 Khadher Ahmad, Mohd Syukri Zainal Abidin, Mustaffa Abdullah, Siti Rosmani Md Zin@Zakaria, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Ahmad Zakwan Mohd Fadzil